Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 9/5/21
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/5/21
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1 - Pentacle, Fantastical Tarot
King of Wands- Dynamic. Charismatic. Confident- The King of Wands is dynamic and full of charisma and charm. This King puts his creative energy out into the world with confidence and he’s here to help you do the same this week. The King of Wands is telling you that it is time to go after your goals and dreams and put your plans into action. No holds barred. This is not the time to hold anything back. The energy around you is supporting your creative ventures. Do what you’ve been wanting to do with the courage of this King.
Ace of Wands- Inspiration. Excitement. Vision- The Ace of Wands brings excitement and inspiration your way. Opportunity is knocking, so get up, answer the door, and invite it in for coffee. Expect a burst of energy to flow toward you this week and then put those good vibes to good use. What are you working on in your life at this time? What are you creating? Where is your creative outlet? This Ace is telling you that the abundance is in the now. It’s time to make the magic!
Six of Wands- Victory. Success. Recognition- The Six of Wands is considered “the victory card” in the tarot. This Six screams success. You have the opportunity to “win” this week, so make sure you go after what you want. This Six represents validation and recognition. All of your hard work is paying off. Claim your victory! You’ve earned it.
Overall- This week looks like a 10/10! You’ve got the energy you need to push forward with an inspirational idea and as long as you go after it with confidence, you get exactly what you want. The trick is to avoid holding yourself back. It’s time to stop playing small and let yourself shine and be seen. Confidence is then name of the game for you right now, so put on your favorite shoes and get moving.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Strength- Courage. Ego. Self-discipline- Strength is telling you that it’s time to get your ego in check. When Strength appears, it’s important to look at how you are managing and utilizing your energy. Are you operating from a place of solid strength and courage or are you letting pride and perhaps insecurity get in the way? This week I want you to focus on some self-control and self-discipline. It’s a good week to practice pausing before you speak or act. Make sure you are approaching your situation from a balanced place.
The Devil- Addiction. Bondage. Chaos- The Devil brings to light all the ways we trap ourselves. What old, addictive patterns are rearing their ugly heads at you right now? The Devil wants you to first recognize what they are and then cut the ties that bind you. What old pattern are you continuing to play out to your own detriment? How can you change the situation? There’s chaos afoot this week, but there’s an important lesson that comes along with it.
The Tower- Disruption. Collapse. Breakdown- The Tower brings massive disruption your way. Something unexpected occurs and it’s usually a little messy. The changes brought by The Tower are often made more challenging when we resist them. Look at what is collapsing and ask yourself what about this situation can you release and how do you want to rebuild?
Overall - This week brings a challenge. Some type of chaos or disruption arrives and throws things out of balance. Your message is to first and foremost get your energy, pride, and ego in check. Make sure you are approaching your situation from a balanced and secure place. Letting your pride take the reins is not going to help anybody at this time. The challenges that arise this week are calling for you to take a good solid look at your negative addictions and old behaviors patterns. Where can you find a better approach? While the disruption of The Tower is rarely pleasant, it’s a phase… like everything else, and it’s only made more challenging when you resist the changes it brings.
Pile 3 - Seashell, Mermaid Tarot
The Tower- Collapse. Release. Transformation - The Tower brings a massive shift to you this week. Some type of disruption brings upheaval to your current situation and it’s time to release what is no longer working. There is something in your life that is holding you back and you need to let it fall away, so you can create space for new growth. If things go awry this week, before you panic, ask yourself if it something worth clinging to, or if it’s a sign that you need the release.
King of Pentacles- Success. Security. Ambition- The King of Pentacles represents ambition, security, and stability. This King knows how to manifest his work into the physical plane and he’s determined and ambitious enough that the always reaps the rewards of his labors. Put your best foot forward this week, especially when it comes to your work. The King of Pentacles is here to help you succeed and achieve.
The Sun -Hope. Optimism. Trust - The Sun brings renewal… hope, optimism, and renewed trust. There is the potential for a big leap forward this week. The Sun’s appearance tells me that you have something positive on the horizon. You just need to make sure you are moving in the right direction to meet and greet it. Your attitude matters, so bring some sunshine along with you.
Overall - Transformation is waiting for you… There is a big opportunity, but it comes in a slightly messy form. Expect the unexpected, but then look at the possibilities the disruption that arises brings you. Is there a massive growth opportunity in this disruption? (Hint: the answer is yes). Just rise to meet the challenge! Make sure you look on the bright side and take a step or three forward this week. The Sun is waiting on the other side for you. You just need to let go of what needs to be released and focus on what you want to build.