Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 9/26/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/26/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!








Pile 1 - Pentacle, The Gilded Tarot


Wheel of Fortune- Kismet. Change. Opportunity- The Wheel of Fortune brings an unexpected shift this week. Something or someone appears with an opportunity for you. While this opportunity may seem like it is appearing “out of the blue,” it is in fact both timely and karmic. Carefully consider anything that is presented to you this week. Look for the opportunity available in any disturbance or upheaval. Stay open to the growth it brings.

Seven of Cups- Illusions. Potential. Possibilities- The Seven of Cups is considered the card of “castles in the air,” and this Seven brings you potentials and possibilities. You’ve got options. Your challenge is to not get so distracted looking at all the options available that you refuse to make a choice. You need to pick one. Consider your choices carefully, and then decide. Remember, “You can do anything but not everything.” How can you best direct your energy at this time?

Two of Wands- Vision. Faith. Journey- The Two of Wands brings you clarity on a new idea or project. This Two arrives to remind you that once you know where you are headed, all you have to do is hold to your vision and start moving in that direction. The Two of Wands also wants you to have faith in your goals. Although there is still hard work ahead, use this enthusiasm to get started. Pick the path and then start walking down it.

Overall- Opportunity is knocking at your door. Don’t ignore it. Open the door and invite in for coffee. Something shakes you up this week, and it forces you to make a choice of some kind, so stay open to receive the message. You have been keeping yourself stuck by refusing to make a choice and pick a path, and this week is pushing you to choose. Once you make your choice, the path opens up for you clearly and you can start moving toward your goal. Keep your vision in sight. Your daily mantra for everything this week is, “Is this moving me toward or away from my goals?”


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


Eight of Wands- Movement. Release. Blessings- The Eight of Wands brings movement and a shift forward. This Eight indicates a time of smooth sailing, usually after a period of struggle. Things are opening up for you this week. If you’ve been feeling held up or stuck, this Eight indicates that things are about to change for you. There is some sort of positive blessing on the horizon. Go with the flow…

The Fool- Risk. Faith. New beginnings- The Fool arrives to held you take a leap of faith this week. The Fool indicates the beginning of a new stage of life, a new adventure. When we make a change, there is always a risk involved. Have faith in yourself. It’s time to take the leap. The answer to any question that arrives this week is “yes!” The Fool is pushing you to embrace the change. It’s time to try something new… whether it’s a new attitude, job, or relationship. You need to explore any potential opportunity that shows up at this time.

Knight of Wands- Adventure. Excitement. Action- The Knight of Wands rides in to help you get moving this week. Whether it’s physical movement or an energetic shift, this Knight wants you to mix it up. It’s time to reignite the fire within. You’ve been keeping yourself stuck by not allowing yourself to take the risks or changes necessary to grow. What makes you feel excited and inspired? It’s time to do more of whatever that is!

Overall- Release is your word for this week. It’s time for a big energetic shift and The Universe is providing you with opportunities for growth. The trick is to jump on those opportunities. I feel you’ve been holding yourself back by doing too much of the same old thing, and this week gives you the opportunity to try something new. It’s time for action. What action can you take right now? When the Knight of Wands rides in, grab his hand, jump up on the horse and get moving!


Pile 3 - Seashell, Mermaid Tarot


Nine of Pentacles- Rewards. Achievements. Success- Go you!! (Insert applause here). The Nine of Pentacles indicates a time of rewards and success. You should feel proud of all you have accomplished, and this week you need to take a breath, pause, and look around at all you have achieved. You have been working hard at creating what you desire, and it’s time to soak up some of that good energy.

Six of Swords-Acceptance. Harmony. Movement- The Six of Swords brings tranquility and harmony to your mental state this week. You are feeling calm and at peace and this Six suggests that you need to simply keep moving forward. You’re on the right path. Keep your focus in front of you. Whatever you do, don’t look back… you’re not going that way.

Wheel of Fortune- Cycles. Changes. Destiny- The Wheel of Fortune brings an unexpected change this week… whether “good” or “bad,” something rocks the boat. All things change and cycle. If a big shift appears this week, try not to label it as positive or negative. Instead, can you consider the message it brings. The Wheel of Fortune is a karmic change, so whatever comes your way brings a lesson along with it.

Overall- This week begins with you feeling content and satisfied with your current state. You’ve done a great job recently and you can see the results of your hard work. You’re moving forward and going in the right direction. Just when you think you have it all under control, an unexpected opportunity throws a wrench in your plans. This opportunity is karmic and however it presents, it’s opening up a new cycle for you. There are changes ahead… Go greet them.