Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/18/22
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/18/22
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Pentacle, Smith-Waite Tarot
Knight of Wands-Movement. Impulsivity. Change- The Knight of Wands brings inspiration, enthusiasm, and quick change to the table. This Knight rides in with fresh energy and a plethora of charisma. This week brings you opportunity and change, but make sure you don't jump on the horse before reading the fine print. While this Knight brings fun, he's not always the safest bet. Look before you leap.
Five of Cups- Sadness. Disillusionment. Release- The Five of Cups indicates disappointment or disillusionment. Something or someone has let you down and this week you are a bit in your feels about it. Don't fight it. Just feel your feelings and then release what you no longer need. Sometimes the only way out is through. Where can you let go of what you no longer need?
Ten of Cups- Joy. Contentment. Appreciation- The Ten of Cups represents joy, contentment, and long term happiness. What is your end game or goal? What do you want your life to look like? Who or what do you need to be involved in your current situation to get you to where you need to be? That's where you need to focus your energy. This Ten wants to show you the future you desire. Get clear on what that is and then make your choices accordingly.
Overall- This week is calling for you to slow down. You've been moving a bit too quickly and if you're not careful you are going to trip over yourself. You have some hurt feelings to attend to, so give them the attention they need, so you can let go of what needs releasing. Then, regroup and refocus. What do you want to create? Focus on more of what brings you joy. This might be a good week to write down your wishes and take note of what you want your life to look like. Then, notice if you are moving in that direction or away from it. Your mantra for this week is, "Take your time."
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Two of Pentacles- Energy. Money. Flexibility- You have options and this week brings you the opportunity to weigh them out. What is the best way to work with what you’ve got around you? The message for you right now is to open up your mind and be a little flexible in your thinking and planning. There may be a solution you haven’t yet considered. There is more than one way to work with this energy, so look at all your options carefully.
Nine of Pentacles- Satisfaction. Success. Achievement. The 9 of Pentacles indicates a time of feeling pleased with yourself and your accomplishments. Pat yourself on the back, and acknowledge that all of your hard work has paid off. You’ve built and created something steady and solid, and you should feel proud of it. Count your blessings and your wins this week. Look at all you’ve come through and take a minute to appreciate where you are.
Wheel of Fortune- Cycles. Luck. Kismet- The Wheel of Fortune brings a change in luck, one way or another. When the Wheel turns, things change, cycles shift, and karma gets involved. When the Wheel of Fortune appears, expect the unexpected, and stay open to opportunity and possibility. When in doubt, go with the flow. Change is inevitable. Don't fight the process.
Overall- This week is calling for you to be more flexible in your approach to your current situation. There is energy and/or an opportunity to work with, so utilize what is available to you. You are reaping the rewards of your hard work and the Universe is going to give you a subtle or not so subtle push this week. Keep your eyes and ears open for unexpected offers.
Pile 3- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot
Seven of Wands- Conflict. Struggle. Competition- The Seven of Wands indicates a struggle with other people’s ideas. Have you been comparing yourself or your work to others? Are you preventing yourself from moving forward because you are looking at what everyone else is doing? Are you doubting yourself and where to direct your energy? It’s time to shift gears. Stop focusing externally and start focusing internally. Where and how are you directing your energy? Don’t waste time worrying about what anyone else is doing. Focus on your own gifts and how best to work with them.
Four of Cups- Dissatisfaction. Jealousy. Boredom- You are feeling disillusioned and dissatisfied in a relationship or aspect of your life. You’re frustrated and upset and feeling like your needs aren’t being met or maybe you’re spending too much time comparing yourself and your success to others. This type of attitude won’t get you anywhere, so it may be time to turn it around and shift gears. Consider where you can take responsibility for your unmet expectations. Are you being clear with yourself, others, The Universe about what you want? Are you setting healthy boundaries? How can you clean some of this up?
Two of Pentacles- Flexibility. Fluctuation. Risk- The Two of Pentacles indicates the need for flexibility in your current situation. Can you lighten up a bit and look at all of the options available to you? This Two indicates a fluctuation in energy or money available, and your task for this week is to decide the best way to work with what you've got.
Overall- This week is calling for an attitude adjustment. You're spending too much time struggling, either with other people or in your head comparing your life and your progress to others. This is getting you down and stuck and you're starting to wallow in your mood. It's time to dust yourself off and consider all the options you have available to you. There is always a way to work with energy, so let's get to work.