Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/11/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/11/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

The Star- Hope. Renewal. Faith-The Star represents hope, renewal, and a resurgence of faith. There is beautiful energy all around you, and that’s what you should be focusing on. This week is calling for you to take note of the blessings in your life and let your appreciation for them guide you forward. The Star says that healing is possible at this time, so allow inspiration and your wishes to lead you. If you've been struggling recently, The Star reminds you to have faith.

Three of Pentacles-Collaboration. Cooperation. Validation- The Three of Pentacles indicates a time where energies seem to magically align and come together. This week brings validation to you. You get the support you need to continue to work on whatever it is you are building at this time. Keep an eye out for positive collaborations and make sure you put them to use when they appear. Sometimes three heads are better than one.

Wheel of Fortune- Kismet. Cycles. Opportunity- The Wheel of Fortune says that destiny is indeed involved with your current situation, and as the wheel turns, there is a change in luck coming your way. The Wheel of Fortune brings an unexpected change, chance, or opportunity. When the Wheel turns, cycles shift and it is always karmic. Expect the unexpected and stay open to potentials and possibilities this week. When in doubt, go with the flow.

Overall- Faith is your word of the week. Things begin to flow more smoothly this week and there is the opportunity for healing, support, and a big shift. Focus on what you want and then allow others to support you in your process. Things seem to align and work well this week and out of this alignment, an unexpected shift or opportunity arises. Stay open to it.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Five of Swords- Conflict. Limits. Pride- The Five of Swords is a message that it’s time to recognize where you have taken on too much and need to back off. There is conflict and stress afoot, and you're spending too much time looking at the problem and not enough time looking for a solution. Let's start here: What can you release and let go of? Where can you delegate and ask for help? What things are actually your responsibilities, and what things can you hand over? You can't do it all and you're hitting your limits this week.

Knight of Cups- Love. Desire. Proposal- The Knight of Cups rides in to offer you your heart's desire. Something or someone brings you something you want this week. This Knight is in love with love and he only wants to please you. The more clarity you have around exactly what it is you want allows The Universe to more easily deliver it to you. This week is screaming for a wish list, so take some time to write down what you desire at this time.

Knight of Wands- Change. Movement. Action- Let's go! The Knight of Wands brings quick change your way this week. Where do you need to get moving? What aspect of your life is in need of a shake-up? This Knight is a bit rash and impulsive, but he brings fire and inspiration to you. It's time for a change, so decide what you want, take a risk and go for it. Jump on the horse and get moving.

Overall- It's time to get your head in the game. Stop looking at the problems and start looking for solutions. The stress has been getting you bogged down and it's holding you back. This week The Universe wants you to focus on what it is you want. Get very clear on your heart's desire and then take some steps or leaps toward whatever it is. Two Knights in a row indicate it's time to get moving. Stop holding yourself back. You deserve to get what you want.

Pile 3- Feather, Cosmic Tarot

Ace of Swords- Conflict. New ideas. Change- The Ace of Swords brings a new idea to you this week… often one that comes out of conflict. If a challenge arises, don’t shrink away from it. The message here is to rise up to meet it! It's time to think outside the box and open up to a new perspective. Aces bring fresh, raw energy. It’s up to you to channel it and put that fresh energy to good use. How can you approach your current situation in a different way? Pick up your sword and slice away anything that is holding you back.

Temperance-Balance. Harmony. Flow- Temperance arrives with the gift of harmony and balance. Temperance indicates deep healing and also peaceful, open, flow of feelings. Find your flow this week. Where can you make harmony a priority? Look at your current schedule and notice what you need to cultivate more balance in your day to day. Then, begin to implement some positive changes.

Prince of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Perseverance- It’s time to get to work this week. Focus your energy and follow through with your tasks. The Prince of Pentacles brings you focus, stability, and endurance. If you’ve been feeling unfocused or out of balance, this is great week to reign it in and gather your energy. The Prince of Pentacles helps you stick to what you start. Slow it down this week. Find a steady pace and watch the magic happen.

Overall- This week brings a much needed shift in perspective. It's time for a fresh approach to your current situation. Where can you think outside the box and try something different? You are being put on notice that you need to cultivate more balance in your day to day and slow down your pace. Find your focus this week and move steadily forward in a positive direction. When in doubt, go with what feels the most easeful.