Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/9/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/9/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Faerie Tarot

Knight of Wands- Knight of Wands-  Change. Inspiration.  Movement- Expect the unexpected in the best way possible this week. Inspiration is coming for you! This might take the form a person who charges in and inspires you, or it could be a new idea that magically appears. The important thing to keep in mind is to stay open and pay attention! This Knight brings fresh energy and movement to you this week. Jump on his horse and go for it.

Ace of Wands-  Inspiration. Potential. Creativity- The Ace of Wands brings fresh energy your way.  You have an abundance of creative potential to work with.  Abundance begets abundance, and your positive energy this week brings an uprush of creative ideas. Inspiration is highlighted for you, so make sure you utilize it. What do you need to be putting this energy into? Where do you find your creative outlet? Keep an eye out for new opportunities and ideas!

The High Priestess- Magic. Intuition. Power - The High Priestess arrives to help you to step up and into your magic. You intuition has messages for you. Are you listening? The High Priestess tells me you are ready to own your power and it’s time to acknowledge who you are and act accordingly. The presence of The High Priestess indicates the you have the knowledge and information you need. Trust yourself. 

Overall- Let's go! Utilize the energy of this full moon in Aries because you are on fire this week (in the best way possible). It's time to focus on having some fun and tapping in to your creative potential. By doing so, you attract fresh energy and new opportunities and you are able to step up and into your power. You have all the magic you need, so trust yourself and go make your magic!

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

King of Pentacles- Ambition. Power. Success- This King signifies that this week brings you the opportunity to "boss up" and claim what is yours. The King of Pentacles brings success and stability to you. How are you using your power and energy? Where is your focus? This King gets what he wants because he knows what he wants and he confidently goes after it. Do you know what it is you want? If you're unsure, this might be a good week to figure that out.

Eight of Cups- Release. Sadness. Mourning- The Eight of Cups is a "walk away" card. It's time to let go of something that is no longer working. Is there something you've outgrown? This week might be time to clear it out, so you can make space for fresh ideas and new energy. The Eight of Cups brings a release of some kind, and it can bring a mourning of what was along with it. Feel your feelings, but don't get stuck here.

Queen of Swords-Idealism. Intelligence. Boundaries-  The Queen of Swords represents the element of Air and intellect. She logically incorporates her experiences, both joyful and sad, and from them she finds wisdom. The Queen of Swords brings idealism, strength, and some powerful boundaries to your aid this week. Sometimes when you really begin to shine and step into your power, you see the truth of who in your life supports you and who doesn’t. This Queen is here to help you draw some lines in the sand around anything or anyone not supporting your growth.

Overall- This week you are being told it's time to shine. You are in a place of power and you are being told to use it. Sometimes when we take steps forward, we need to let go of old energy that we have outgrown. That is being highlighted for you this week. Something or someone needs to be released from your energy because it's blocking your flow. While letting go can be sad, it is necessary for growth. Make sure you are operating from you personal truth and set the boundaries you need to set.

Pile 3- Seashell, Cosmic Tarot

Six of Pentacles-  Success.  Abundance. Manifestation-  Success is within your grasp. You are being given an opportunity, and it’s one you deserve. This week brings the manifestation of all you have been working towards. Money, energy, and powerful support are all around you. Accept what is being offered and take a moment to feel proud of all you have accomplished. You’ve been working hard and your hard work is paying off. 

Two of Wands- Vision. Journey. Faith- You are right on track with your goals and visions. The Two of Wands represents energies coming together to push you forward on your path.  You are being reminded to hold the vision and trust the process. The more clarity and focus you have on your creative vision, the more easefully things will align for you, so decide where you are headed this week and watch The Universe conspire to help you get there.

Wheel of Fortune- Kismet. Change. Luck-  Expect the unexpected when The Wheel of Fortune appears. The Wheel of Fortune brings a change in luck and one that is often karmic. Something is shifting for you this week and by the looks of it, that shift is a positive one, so stay open to the change and embrace any opportunities that present themselves. Pay attention this week. Destiny is calling. Pick up the phone when it rings.

Overall- This week brings you good vibes and positive validation. Your hard work is paying off and you're getting more and more clarity on the direction you want to go. The more aligned you are with your direction, the easier it is for The Universe to help you out. Something shifts this week and a new opportunity presents itself. Stay open and keep your eyes peeled for  a karmic shift because there is one waiting right around the corner.