Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/2/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/2/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Rose, Vampire Tarot

Knight of Swords- Change. Disruption. Movement-  The Knight of Swords brings quick change that is often a bit disruptive. This Knight charges forward and gets things moving. Expect a shift of some kind this week. What pieces in your current situation need to get moving? Something or someone comes along to rock the boat... but maybe the boat needs to be rocked. If a challenge or opportunity arises, before you react, think about how you can pivot and grow with it.

The Devil-  Chaos. Bondage. Manipulation- The Devil represents our negative habits, old outdated belief systems, and all the ways we keep ourselves stuck, bound, or trapped. What are you continuing to do that no longer serves you? Maybe it’s a bad habit, maybe it’s a negative thought pattern, maybe it’s a relationship that no longer fits in with who you are… Whatever it is, it’s time to cut the chains and free yourself.  Don't get yourself stuck. The Devil wants to help you break the chains that bind you.

Page of Pentacles-  Care. Gentleness. Contemplation-  It’s time to get centered, grounded, and focus your energy. If you’ve been feeling scattered, this is a call to reign it in! You are at your most powerful when you are operating from a calm and focused place. This Page wants you to make sure you are at the top of your health game. Eat well, sleep, drink more water and make sure your physical body is as healthy and strong as possible. Find the calm within and it will help you make good choices this week.

Overall- Something or someone unexpectedly charges in this week and shakes things up. You are being forced to confront some way that you are keeping yourself trapped or in bondage. Where and how are you allowing negative habits or outgrown ways of being to keep you blocked? The advice for this week is to pull yourself together. Get your energy centered and grounded. Focus on what brings you the most calm and sense of well -being. Then, proceed from that place. Don't allow yourself to get pushed or pulled to a place you don't want to be. Keep an eye out for anything that feels like it might lead you astray. Look before you leap this week.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Two of Swords-Conflict. Stress. Denial-  Have you been feeling stuck or trapped? Do you feel like you are frozen and can’t move forward? Pause. Breathe. Take off the blindfold and look around. You need to shift your perspective on the situation because the way you’ve been looking at it has backed you into a corner. Take a few steps out of the corner and look at it from a different perspective. There is a more creative way to handle this conflict. You need to open up to it.  Stop hiding and take one step forward.

Death-  Transition. Release. Endings-  Death brings the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Transition is your word for this week. There are big shifts and changes afoot, and although they are beautiful changes, change can still be challenging. When we take big steps forward, we are often gifted with the realization and awareness that certain things must be left behind. What in your life has served its purpose? Can you release it with grace? 

Ace of Wands- Creativity. Potential. New ideas. The Ace of Wands brings inspiration, and fresh creative ideas that have not yet manifested. There is a lot of growth potential for you right now. Stay open and look for inspiration in each day because it’s going to be coming at you from all angles. This Ace brings an uprush of creative energy. Focus on what excited and inspires you! You hold fire power in the palm of your hand!

Overall- It's time for change! You've been feeling stuck and blocked, but you are denying your own part in the problem. If you've been struggling to make a decision, this week is challenging you to get a move on. You are feeling stuck because you are resisting the release that you need the most. What in your life needs to die at this time? Where can you let go? New growth needs space, so create some this week. When you do, your creative energy expands in a big and beautiful way!

Pile 3- Feather, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot

King of Wands-  Confidence. Charisma. Inspiration- The King of Wands arrives this week to inspire you and cheer you on! The King of Wands utilizes his fiery, charismatic, charm to manifest in the world. This King moves through the world with a plethora of confidence, so if you are in need, ask him to lend you some this week. What do you need to manifest? The King of Wands is here to help you. This King brings just the right balance of confidence and luck to the table.  It's time to take action!

The World- Achievement. Integration. Completion- The World indicates the ending of a cycle. When we end one cycle, there is a period of integration needed before we can begin again. What have you learned recently? How are you utilizing these lessons? The World is saying, "You have arrived!" It' s time to claim your prize and acknowledge how far you have come. You should be very proud of yourself and all you have achieved.

The Devil- Chaos. Manipulation. Bondage- The Devil brings us face to face with our shadow selves. The Devil represents our base desires, our shadow instincts that we deem unacceptable for life and society. The Devil also represents the feeling of being out of control or the feeling of being controlled by others. Where are you giving away your power? Where are you hiding parts of yourself? The Devil is showing up to tell you to reclaim all aspects of yourself. All transformation comes through shadow work, so it’s time to dig in.  

Overall- Tough love from the tarot... Stop holding yourself back from greatness! It's time to step up and into your confidence and go after exactly what you want. You are at a place of "leveling up" and you have The World literally in your hands at this time. Often, when we are taking big steps forward, our shadow selves and insecurities creep up and try to sabotage us. Do not get sucked into any negativity or anyone else's control or power issues. You just keep on shining and go make your magic!