Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 5/22/22
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/22/22
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1-Pentacle, Everyday Witch Tarot
Ace of Pentacles- Energy. Money. Opportunity- The Ace of Pentacles brings fresh energy and a new opportunity your way. Are you looking at the potential you are currently holding? If not, it's time to get focused on what you have to work with. How can you utilize the energy available to you at this time? Keep your eyes and energy open to new growth this week.
Ace of Cups- Love. Joy. Abundance- The Ace of Cups brings an uprush of love and joy to you. This Ace wants you to open up your heart to abundance and happiness. If you haven't been feeling the love lately, it's time to shift that energy this week. Focus on what things or people bring you joy and then schedule them in. Abundance begets abundance, so get yourself into that flow and watch the magic happen.
Ten of Swords- Ending. Release. Transition- It's time to let go. The Ten of Swords brings the ending to a difficult situation, and while it feels challenging, this release is absolutely necessary, so don't make it worse by clinging to something you've outgrown. It's time to let go of what is no longer working, so you can clear out and make space for what is .
Overall- Out with the old and in with the new is your mantra this week... It's a little more "In with the new and out with the old," but you get the idea. The Universe says you have an abundance of fresh energy and new opportunities to work with. As you embrace the potential that is available to you, it become crystal clear that you need to make space for all this new growth. Something in your life comes to its natural conclusion. Let it go and move on. Don't hold yourself back.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Queen of Cups- Intuition. Emotion. Passion- The Queen of Cups is here to help you tune in to your magic this week. It's time to go inward and connect with your emotions and your intuition. This Queen embodies the feeling realm. Have you been giving your feelings the attention they deserve or have you been ignoring them? This week is calling for you to connect. Whip out your favorite journal and take pen to paper. Notice what comes up. It may surprise you.
The Hermit- Withdrawal. Introspection. Spirituality- The Hermit speaks of needing a time-out. Have you been giving all of your energy away and not taking any time for yourself? The Hermit is here to help you reign it in this week. Where can you carve out some quiet time and reconnect your mind, body, and spirit? Give yourself permission to schedule in some "me" time this week.
The Empress- Fertility. Abundance. Beauty- The Empress wants you to embrace your beauty and step into your power. The Empress brings abundant and fertile energy your way. What are you growing at this time? There is a lot of energy available for you to work with, so trust that you have everything you need. The Empress doesn't chase things. She simply manifests by being her beautiful and magical self. I suggest you do the same this week.
Overall- It's time for a time-out. This week is calling for you to work some serious magic. You've been neglecting your emotions and ignoring your intuition and The Universe wants you to stop. Give yourself permission to feel your feelings and pull your energy back to you. Once you give yourself a little space, your power rebounds in a big way and you end this week feeling full of love and abundance.
Pile 3- Feather, The Pulp Tarot
Knight of Pentacles- Dedication. Perseverance. Patience- The Knight of Pentacles brings the "slow and steady wins the race" vibes. You've been working hard and your hard work is paying off. The Knight of Pentacles reminds you to commit and stick things out. This Knight is in it for the long haul. You have been working from a beautifully grounded place and you're improving day by day. Keep going...
Queen of Wands- Courage. Optimism. Confidence- This Queen brings courage and fiery confidence your way this week. It's time to step up your sexy and step into your power. The Queen of Wands encourages you to be bold. This Queen loves life and life loves her right back! Trust that you are enough and you are awesome, and go put that confidence energy to good use!
Page of Wands - Fun. Inspiration. Enthusiasm - The Page of Wands wants you to lighten up this week! This Page brings fresh energy and enthusiasm to your current situation. Have you been having enough fun lately? I think not. It's time to put some fun in the planner this week! What lights you up and inspires you? Go do more of it! Play is a balanced part of life. You need to let yourself have some fun.
Overall- Overall- All work and no play makes for very dull people... #sorrynotsorry You've been working really hard and while that is admirable and your hard work is paying off… life is all about balance. It's time to take a break this week and let your hair down. Write down your accomplishments and look how far you've come. Then, give yourself permission to feel good, take some time off, and go have some fun! Enjoy your life!