Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 5/14/22
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/14/22
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Broom, Fantastical Tarot
Page of Pentacles- Focus. Care. Study- It's time to gather your energy and find your focus. The Page of Pentacles wants you to decide what things are the most important and give them your full attention. This Page also encourages you to take care of your body and be gentle with yourself. If you've been extending too much energy out, it's time to call it back. Start with some basic self-care. Eat well, exercise, and get a little more sleep. Notice how it's much easier to focus when you feel good.
Ace of Wands- Creativity. Inspiration. Energy- The Ace of Wands brings fresh inspiration and creative potential to you. You have a lot of new ideas and some of them haven't even fully formed yet. Embrace all of this and stay open to new possibilities. There are options you haven't even considered yet. Keep your mind, ears, and heart open. Inspiration is all around you.
The Magician- Magic. Creation. Manifestation- It's time to make the magic! The Magician helps you to create and manifest your intentions. What are you working on? What do you wish to create and make happen? You have the power to make some serious magic this week, so don't miss out. Utilize the opportunities and energy available to you at this time.
Overall- You have some magic to make this week. There is creative potential and opportunity all around you. The trick to winning this week is to find your focus. I feel you've been scattering your energy in too many directions, and you need to reign it in this week. Your body is the vessel that your spirit has to work with, so make sure you are taking good care of it. Set some basic health goals and make sure you are getting what you need to feel good. Then, watch the fresh energy and inspiration flow right to you. Grab your wand and decide how you can best direct this energy.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
The Moon- Cycles. Intuition. Magic- The Moon rules the subconscious and brings us in touch with the constant shifting and changing of cycles. Things are in flux and all you can do is embrace the changes that are occurring in your current situation. This full moon eclipse in Scorpio is pushing for transformation and release. Don't fight it. Go with it. Tune in to your magic this week and allow the Moon Goddess to illuminate what in your life needs to end.
The Hierophant- Spirituality. Connection. Lessons- The Hierophant brings the need for spiritual connection. The Hierophant is the connecting link between our human, physical reality and the Divine. How are you connecting to Source energy? It may be time to incorporate some rituals. Is there a spiritual system that is calling for you to tap into or learn more about? This may be a good week to explore such things. Take some time to meditate this week. Notice what comes up for you.
The Devil- Chaos. Manipulation. Shadow-self - The Devil represents our base desires, our shadow instincts that we often deem unacceptable for life and society. The Devil also represents the feeling of being out of control or the feeling of being controlled by others. Where are you giving away your power? Where are you hiding parts of yourself? The Devil is showing up to tell you to reclaim all aspects of yourself. All transformation comes through shadow work, so it’s time to dig in.
Overall- This is an intense spread, which is beautifully aligned with this full moon. Transformation is the name of the game this week and you have the opportunity to make a big shift. It's time to tap into you intuition and go deep. Look at what cycles you've outgrown and give yourself permission to cut any cords that are holding you back. Whether these are relationships or old patterns or habits, it's time to clear away what isn't working. Don't let your fears hold you back. You've got this!
Pile 3- Pentacle, Vampire Tarot
Strength- Courage. Ego. Self-discipline- Strength brings you courage this week. It's time to gather your strength and also check your ego. If you've been struggling with self-doubt, this Vampire is here to tell you to get over it, and step up and into your power. Stop holding yourself back and get moving. Go confidently after what you want. Strength also brings the need for self-discipline. How can you set some steady goals that will help you stay on your path this week?
The Magician- Manifestation. Gifts. Talent- The Magician is here to help you embrace your gifts and utilize your unique talents. Are you honoring and growing your own skills? How are you making magic in your life right now? This Vampire Magician wants you to get to work. You have a lot of power at your fingertips, so get some clarity this week, and go make your magic happen!
Four of Wands- Support. Celebration. Success- The Four of Wants brings you support and success. It's time to celebrate! What has gone well recently? Can you make a list of all your successes? This Four wants you to take some time to enjoy and celebrate your life. Schedule a fun night out this week with a loved one! You deserve it!
Overall- Good vibes only this week! Stop playing small and get over any and all self-doubt that has been holding you back. You have all the power you need to manifest what you want, so gather your courage and go after it. There are things to celebrate, so take sometime to look around at what you've already created and go have some fun. Abundance begets abundance, so keep your vibe high this week.