Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 4/10/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/10/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Pentacle, Vampire Tarot

Three of Cups- Love. Support. Celebration- The Three of Cups brings loving energy your way this week. Relationships are being highlighted for you. Love and support are all around and your cups seem to fill up beautifully, so enjoy it. Put your focus on connecting in your relationships. Let the love flow freely and stay open to receive all that you send out. Look for the beauty in each day and nurture your connections.

The Chariot- Movement. Will. Control- The Chariot brings change and forward movement. Things are shifting for you and they may feel like they are moving very fast. Go with the flow of it, but make sure you’re still holding onto the reins. Don’t give your power away. Stay in the driver’s seat and keep your horses in check. The Chariot brings us face to face with our inner aggression and the battle for control. Find your courage and move forward confidently in the best direction for you at this time.

Page of Cups- Romance. Birth. Renewal- The Page of Cups brings love and beauty to you this week. Expect the birth of something new. Where can you bring loving renewal to your life? Do you need more self-care? Do you need to express your feelings to a loved one? Love is the focus for you this week. Make sure to fill your own cup first, and then watch how much more you have to give to others.

Overall- Love is in the cards for you this week. If you are in partnership, it’s time to focus on your partner. If you are single, keep your eyes open (or maybe jump on that dating app) because it’s looking like love vibes… This week is all about the romance. There is love potential around you and some forward movement as well. Don’t block the good energy by allowing yourself to get pulled in too many directions. Decide the best place (or person) to give your energy to and then stay there. Hint: You will get the most out of this week if you give yourself some loving energy first. Go buy yourself a present.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Lovers- Choices. Maturity. Consequences- The Lovers brings up choices and options. You have more than you think. The appearance of The Lovers suggests you need to look at all the options available to you and also consider the consequences of each choice before you act. What is most important to you right now? The Lovers brings the need for mature and responsible choices, so this week remain conscious of your energy and motivations before making any decisions.

Seven of Wands- Struggle. Conflict. Competition- The Seven of Wands brings a struggle or a battle your way. This Seven can often indicate competition and stress. If someone is trying to compete with you, ignore them. They are not your problems. Do not give them any of your energy. If you find yourself comparing or competing with someone else, knock it off. Nobody needs this energy, so don’t get dragged into the drama.

Ace of Wands- Inspiration. Creativity. Potential- The Ace of Wands brings raw inspiration and fresh energy. This Ace wants you to embrace your power and your creative energy. Focus on your vision. What do you want to create at this time? What are you doing to move in that direction? The gift of growth is waiting for you. Embrace it…

Overall- You’ve got some choices to make this week, and the answers don’t come easily. There are multiple opportunities available to you in your current situation, but you need to really consider the consequences of each choice before making a decision. To make this week even more fun… #challenging, there is some drama that arises that you have to work through. Honestly, I feel like this stress and drama is simply a test and my suggestion is that you rise above it and focus on your goals and creative energy. If you can do that, you end this week feeling fresh and inspired.

Pile 3- Broom, Everyday Witch Tarot

King of Pentacles- Power. Ambition. Success- The King of Pentacles brings success and contentment to you this week. According to this King… you can have your cake and eat it too, because he is doing just that in this card. You have achieved a lot through your hard work, and The Universe wants you to take a moment to bask in your success. Write down all of your wins and celebrate them this week. You’ve worked hard and you’ve earned it. You should feel very proud of your current status.

Ace of Cups- Joy. Love. Abundance- The Ace of Cups brings love, joy, and abundance your way. When this Ace appears, your cup overflows. The witch in this card looks like she’s making magic out of love to me. Make some magic out of your love this week. Let all of the good energy flow up and around you. Remind yourself that you deserve all of the blessings you have received. Soak it up and soak it in.

Seven of Pentacles- Choices. Timing. Harvest- The Seven of Pentacles has you deliberating a little bit this week. In looking at the fruits of your harvest, you may ask yourself if you should continue on the path you’re on… or should you expand and maybe take a risk in a new way? The answer is all in the timing. Is this the right time to shift or expand or should you keep your focus where it is?

Overall- This is a week to celebrate. Everything is coming up “YOU!” Enjoy it. You’re feeling good and proud of your accomplishments and you should. You are in a powerfully successful place and you’ve worked hard to get here. Stay open to receiving the gifts that are floating around you. Out of all of this abundance comes an opportunity or risk of some kind. Go with your gut instinct on making this decision.