Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 4/3/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/3/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Pentacle, Smith- Waite Tarot

The Empress- Fertility. Abundance. Beauty- The Empress brings beauty and power to you this week. The Empress stands steady and strong in her power, and she attracts what she needs by simply being her glorious self. It’s time for you to do the same. You’ve been leveling up and stepping into a more powerful version of yourself and this week gives you an opportunity to show that off. The Empress is here to encourage you to get into your body and stand strong in your power. It’s time to birth something new.

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Strength in Reserves- The Nine of Wands brings a challenge or struggle. If you feel like you’ve been on the struggle bus for some time, this week throws one more challenge your way. The good news is that you do indeed have everything you need to overcome this challenge. Dig down and find your power. The Nine of Wands brings the strength we find when we’ve exhausted all other options. If you feel like you’re at the end of your rope, don’t despair. You’re just being tested. You’ll get through it.

The Magician- Magic. Creation. Manifestation- The Magician says that its time to make the magic this week! What are you creating? The Magician says you have skills and talents worthy of developing and it’s time to put them out into the world. Pick up your wand and get to it! What are you working on? What sparks your creative fire? It’s time to manifest your wishes and desires.

Overall- You are leveling up and you’re being tested this week. It’s time for you to step up and into your power and acknowledge all of the beautiful and abundant energy that you have to offer. Often when we make big shifts or changes, The Universe throws us a little test to see how ready we are, and that’s what I see in the cards for you this week. There’s a struggle or challenge that arises, and your goal is to gather you strength and blast through it. You have a lot of magic to make this season and you do not, I repeat, you do not have time for nonsense, so don’t get caught up in drama that doesn’t belong to you.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Ace of Cups- Love. Abundance. Joy- The Ace of Cups wants you to open to the love and abundance that is available to you this week. It’s time to fill your cup! What brings you joy and makes you feel good, happy, and inspired? Do a little more of whatever that is this week. This Ace says there is beautiful energy all around you. Soak it up and enjoy it. It feels like you’ve been ignoring or neglecting your joy, and I want you to shift that this week. Make joy your focus and watch things start to move in a more positive direction.

The Chariot- Movement. Will. Aggression- The Chariot wants you to check in with yourself this week. Who is holding the reins in your current situation? Are you in control or have you given your power away to someone else? It’s time to take it back and as you do so, get clear on the direction you need to move. If you’ve been feeling pulled in too many directions or like your energy is scattered, this week brings you an opportunity to rein it in.

Justice- Balance. Fairness. Honesty- Justice is here to help you find the balance in your current situation. Justice calls for cool, calm, and impartial decision making. It might be wise to take a step back and look at your situation from a different angle. Then ask yourself, “What is the most balanced course of action at this time?” The answer may surprise you.

Overall- It’s time to claim your joy. You need to fill your cup asap. It feels like you’ve been feeling out of balanced and pulled in multiple directions, and it’s causing conflict. First, consider what would energetically fill you up a this time and schedule some of whatever that is. Then, look at how you’re moving in the world at this time. Are you driving your Chariot or are you giving the reins (your power) away to someone else. It’s time to take back the control and get yourself into a balanced and calm state.

Pile 3- Rose, Queen Alice Tarot

Six of Swords- Insight. Acceptance. Movement- The Six of Swords brings forward movement. It’s time to accept your current situation for exactly what it is. Doing so brings insight and understanding and it is this clarity that will allow things to begin to shift forward this week. It’s time to unstick yourself and let the energy flow forward. I feel you’ve been holding yourself back wishing things were different way than they are, and this week gives you the opportunity to accept where you are and the understanding that you gain from the acceptance helps you to make a necessary shift.

Nine of Wands- Challenge. Struggle. Depletion- The Nine of Wands represents struggle. Just when you feel like you’re at the brink of exhaustion, one more challenge arises to test you. The lesson is to dig down deep and gather your strength. Sometimes when we are truly tested, we find strength we didn’t know we had. You are stronger than you realize. Don’t let this challenge weigh you down or hold you back. Handle it like the powerhouse you are and move on.

The Hierophant- Spiritual guidance. Teacher. Lessons- The Hierophant brings a lesson of some kind your way. The Hierophant is the connecting link between our human reality and the energy of the Divine. How are you connecting? It’s time to make your spiritual practice a priority. There are lessons and messages waiting for you. The Hierophant can also indicate a spiritual teacher or mentor. If you are feeling stuck, it may be a good time to ask for a little guidance.

Overall- You are in a place where you need to get moving. It feels like you’ve been fighting the shift for some time and this week The Universe wants you to stop fighting and make a change. You can only move forward from exactly where you are, so find the acceptance in your current situation. Then look at what challenge you need to break through or overcome to move forward. There is a spiritual lesson in all of this for you. Be open to receive it.