Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 3/17/24
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 3/17/24
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Feather, Fantastical Creatures Tarot
The World- Completion. Cycles. Integration- You have reached the end of a cycle, and before you can begin a new one, you need to take a moment to pause and integrate the lessons you have learned recently. Honor your process and acknowledge that you’ve come a long way. It's time to think about your next move. You are ready to rebirth yourself and something in your life is showing you just how to do it.
Ten of Wands- Overburdened. Oppressed. Exhausted - The Ten of Wands is saying you are burnt out. You have been taking on more than you can comfortably handle, and it is slowing you down big time. You can only do so many things in each day, so I would like you to look at your to-do list and slash it in half. Then slash it in half again. You need to find a more sustainable pace.
The Empress- Fertility. Power. Abundance- The Empress arrives to help you step up and into your power. The Empress brings fertility and abundance to you. The Empress stands steady and strong and life blooms around her. This week you are being told to embrace your inner Empress. Ground yourself and find your center. Then, focus on drawing the things you desire toward you. You don't need to work as hard as you're working. Watch how quickly the energy around you shifts when you start honoring your needs.
Overall- You have reached the end of a cycle and it's time for a major reset. We are about to welcome in a new season, so this is a wonderful time for a recharge. You have been pushing yourself way too hard and you are burning yourself out. The Universe is advising you to slow down, shove some things off of your plate, and find your center. Then, focus on what you want things to look like and work your magic to find the best way forward.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Queen of Pentacles- Abundance. Magic. Sensuality- The Queen of Pentacles wants you to get into your body. This week is calling for you to ground your energy and manifest from a place of power. This Queen is beautiful and sensual and she knows her worth. Are you owning yours? Your message for this week is to get in touch with your body, love yourself up, and manifest from a place of calm, centered, magic.
Page of Cups- Self-love. Renewal. Birth - The Page of Cups brings renewal to your spirit this week. You are birthing something new in your life. Whether it’s a new project, job, love, family… it’s something that brings you joy and fulfillment, but you have been expending a lot of your energy on it. You have beautiful potential surrounding you, but make sure your own cup stays full… Don’t give away all your energy. It’s time for some good old-fashioned self-care, self-love, and self-reflection. It’s much easier to create from a place of balance. This is a gentle reminder to recharge your batteries.
Knight of Wands- Excitement. Adventure. Movement - This Knight brings forward movement and he wants you to take a chance on something. The Knight of Wands rides in with an exciting opportunity. There is an offer that comes your way this week. Whether it’s work, relationship, or travel, it feels both enticing and a little risky. Just go for it. Jump on the horse and give it a chance. Say yes to the date, book the trip, or put that idea out there. You are ready for the next adventure. Go for it!
Overall- This week brings gorgeous vibes your way. Focus on giving yourself some loving care and attention. Recharge your batteries however you need to. It's time for change. Something arrives this week to get you moving or you decide to go after something you want. Use the energy of the equinox to center yourself and then stay open to possibilities and a positive shift.
Pile 3- Key, Gilded Tarot
Knight of Swords- Disruption. Change. Conflict- The Knight of Swords brings a sudden shift to your current situation, and this is the type of quick change that is often accompanied by a bit of turbulence. This Knight tells me you’re going to have to take action this week. It’s time to make a move. What do you need to do to get out of your current situation? It’s time to slice through it. After you figure out what you need, grab your sword, hop on your broom and fly toward it.
Nine of Swords- Fear. Anxiety. Stress- The Nine of Swords is considered “the card of the nightmare.” This Nine brings up great anxiety and foreboding of the future. If you have been feeling stressed and anxious, it’s time to breathe and take a step back. You are obsessing and making things worse than they actually are. Your situation is definitely challenging, but succumbing to your fears and projections is only making the situation worse. You are letting your anxiety get the best of you, and it isn’t serving you right now. It’s time to take back your power and breathe it down.
Judgement- Karma. Consequences. Transformation- Judgement brings things full circle. Expect a reaping of some kind. Something has reached its natural ending and it's time to relinquish and release it. Are you judging yourself or your current situation too harshly, or are you worried about the judgement or opinions of others? Either way, that energy is not serving you. Notice where you can acknowledge you have learned a lesson and move on. Don't get stuck judging your progress. You are where you are meant to be.
Overall- This week brings a challenge that you need to push through. Whatever you are struggling with is being made more difficult because your anxiety around the situation is so high. There is an important lesson for you this week, so try to calm your mind, so you can receive it. I feel you have been in this cycle for some time, and you have been fighting facing the truth of the matter. This week, for better or worse, The Universe is forcing you to take action. Look for the lesson, do your best, and move on...