Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 2/12/23
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 2/12/23
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Broom, Vampire Tarot
The Tower- Upheaval. Disruption. Collapse - Things have hit a breaking point and this week that breaking point makes itself known. The Tower brings upheaval and disruption. Something unexpectedly shifts this week, but the shift is necessary. The trick is not to fight it. Whatever is collapsing needs to collapse, so let it go, and then think about how you want to rebuild. What things are worth holding on to and what things need to be released? Hint: The Universe is trying to help you acknowledge the things that need to be released. Don't fight the process.
Five of Pentacles-Challenge. Difficulty. Loss-The Five of Pentacles brings stress, worry, or loss of some kind your way. Something or someone shakes you up and your instinct is to let your self-doubt take over. Things are not going according to "your" plan and the stress of your current situation is getting the best of you. Challenges arise to inspire us to grow and rise up. What can you learn from this situation? There is an important lesson for you in this transition. Learn the lesson, so you can move on. Oh, and stop doubting your abilities.
Ace of Cups- Love. Beginnings. Joy - The Ace of Cups speaks of raw potential and emotional expansion. You are truly in a place of rebirth. Open up to it and look at the potential and possibility that is right in front of you. It’s been there for awhile now, but you’ve been clinging to old patterns and ways of being and in doing so, you’ve been blocking your abundance. How can you fill your cup this week? Your homework from the tarot is to schedule in some self- care. Give yourself the love you need this week.
Overall- It appears that either the shoe has dropped or it's about to, and it sends you into a bit of a downward spiral. Things are not going the way you would like and it's bringing up fear and self-doubt. Sometimes things crash and burn because they are no longer right for us, and The Universe has something better in store. Let go of what was and let go of your negative thoughts associated with it. It's time to refill your cup and gather your energy. Do something nice for yourself this week. Focus on self-love and open up to new potentials and possibilities.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Page of Swords- Gossip. Challenge. Irritability - This Page of Swords is saying there are too many opinions coming at you right now, and none of them are actually helpful. Gossip and negative speech are indicated here. The message from this Page is to shut out the negative chatter that is surrounding you. Only you know what is right for your life. Do not let yourself get swayed by the opinions of others. Shut out the noise and focus your energy.
Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves- You’ve been in this fight for so long that you just feel exhausted and like you don’t have the strength necessary to keep going. Although you are feeling exhausted and depleted, you do have the reserves necessary to finally move through this challenge. The message for you regarding this is to stop playing defense and start taking offense. It’s time to be done. So be done. Avoiding the inevitable is pointless. You’re almost there. Just keep gong.
Ace of Swords- Fresh ideas. Mental Conflict. Justice- The Ace of Swords is ushering in new ideas, fresh energy, and a new way of thinking this week. Often when we shift our mindset, conflict of some kind emerges as we are testing out a new idea. Stand your ground this week and stay open to exploring this new idea or way of thinking, regardless of any input from those around you. There is beautiful, raw potential waiting for you when you change your perspective.
Overall- The only way out is through, so put your armor on and pick up your sword this week. You're being challenged by the energy around you, and it's making you irritable and stressed out. You feel like you've been in the same pattern for some time now, and you're exhausted. It's time to dig down, tap into your strength, and find your focus. Then, use your sword to cut through anything that is keeping you stuck in this pattern. It's time to clear the ground. Don't hold yourself back. You know what you need to do, so do it.
Pile 3- Key, Tattoo Tarot
Seven of Cups- Illusions. Possibilities. Choices- The Seven of Cups is the card of castles in the air, and this card indicates potentials and possibilities. The Seven of Cups indicates a need for choice. When you are looking at ALL possible options, you aren’t working on any of them. You need to pick one and decide to move forward with it. Hint: Not all of these options are viable at this time, so be realistic when picking and choosing.
Ten of Wands- Overburdened. Oppressed. Exhausted- The Ten of Wands indicates a time of feeling overwhelmed or overburdened. You are taking on more than you can comfortably handle, and it’s time to take stock of what you’re carrying. In trying to do everything, you're keeping yourself frozen and stuck. You can't do it all, so let go of the idea that you need to. What can you put down this week? Cross at least three things off your to-do list right now.
Seven of Pentacles- Deliberation. Decision. Opportunity- The Seven of Pentacles indicates a time where a decision must be made, usually one involving your work. You are being given the option to continue working on what you’ve been working on or to take a risk on another option. The advice for this week is to weigh out your options before making choice. Make sure you have all of the facts and information you need before you decide what to do.
Overall- Overwhelm is the word that comes to mind here. You're keeping yourself stuck by trying to do and be everything, and it's quickly burning you out. It is impossible to do everything at the same time, so the message for this week is to prioritize. Where are you taking on too much? What things can you put down. Decide what the most important use of your energy is at this time, and find your focus. You will feel so much better if you do.