Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/22/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/22/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Keys, Fairytale Tarot

Four of Wands- Celebration. Rewards. Harvest- The Four of Wands is telling you it’s time to celebrate! Expect positive energy and validation from the external world this week. Things are going well, and you are acknowledged and supported. Lean into the good vibes. Enjoy your friends and family and the abundance you have created. You deserve the blessings that surround you. 

Page of Pentacles- Focus. Learning. Care -  The Page of Pentacles indicates the need for gentle and caring energy. This Page suggests that you find your focus this week. You have fresh energy to work with, and you should take advantage of it at this time. Is there a skill or hobby you want to develop or a class you’re interested in signing up for? This might be just the week. This Page also suggests you give your physical body the care it deserves... Can you incorporate one healthy habit this week?

The Magician- Magic. Creation. Manifestation. You are exactly where you need to be right now. The Magician says you are stepping up and into your power, and he is sending you all the magic and support this week. You have reached a place where you are ready to embrace your abilities and gifts and manifest the life you desire. Stay balanced and keep moving forward. You’ve got this!

Overall- It's a beautiful week to make some magic! Let those Aquarian New Moon vibes push you forward! This week gives you the support, energy, and opportunity you need to manifest your desires. You are being given the chance to reap the rewards of all your hard work and take the energy available and use it to create! Look around, count your blessings, and then focus your energy on what you want. You have everything you need to get it, so grab your wand and cast your spells!

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Hermit- Introspection. Isolation. Spirituality-  The Hermit arrives to remind you that you need some quiet time to reconnect this week, to both yourself and Spirit. Are you giving yourself the space you need to stay in balance?  If you are feeling edgy or out of sorts, it is imperative that you take some time for yourself this week. The Hermit brings spiritual truths and information to you, but you need to have some quiet time and space to receive and process them.

The Sun-  Hope. Optimism. Trust -  The Sun brings hope, optimism, and positive energy your way. There is help available to you, so accept it when it is offered. Looking forward instead of backwards and keeping an optimistic attitude is your way off of the struggle bus this week.  Think happy thoughts and focus on where you want to go. Things are not as difficult as they appear.  Have faith in yourself! You have what you need. 

King of Cups-Empathy. Healing. Compassion- The King of Cups is the great healer of the tarot, and he brings the beautiful gifts of empathy and compassion with him. You have been giving and giving and giving and this week The King wants you to check in on your own energy level. Are you giving from a place of abundance and overflow or are you giving to the point of exhaustion? Your habit is to give to everyone else, but you need to fill your own cup because otherwise you’re going to end up depleted…if you’re not already there. What can you do to fill your cup this week? Don’t overthink it. Choose one thing now. 

Overall- It's time to recover and reboot your energy this week. You need to give yourself some much needed alone time to sort through what you are currently experiencing. If. you slow down and give yourself the space you need, you will begin to feel better and more positive about your situation. It's time to stop giving all of your energy away. Part of being a healer is healing yourself. Give yourself that gift this week and watch your attitude adjust accordingly.

Pile 3- Feather, The Pulp Tarot

Justice- Justice. Balance. Order - Justice arrives for you this week with the gift of balance and boundary setting. Justice brings you face to face with your ideals and principles. Are you living your truth? Is there balance in all areas of your life? Where can you take a stand and bring more balanced energy into your day to day life and also the world at large? It’s time to pick up your sword and set your limits.

The Hermit-Isolation. Truth. Reflection- The Hermit indicates a period of isolation and introspection. We all need quiet time to reflect and process. The Hermit holds a lantern to illuminate your path. Where are you headed at this time? Do you have what you need to move forward?  It's important to connect and be aware of your personal truth, so that you can move forward with clarity.

Knight of Wands- Change. Excitement. Adventure- The Knight of Wands brings an exciting offer to you. This Knight rides in with vibrant, charismatic energy and lights you up, in some way. Expect the unexpected to arrive this week. The Knight of Wands brings you fresh energy and a new possibility. Go with it… Jump on the horse and take a risk. Say yes to the date, book the trip, or put that idea out there. You are ready for the next adventure. Go for it!

Overall- "The time to hesitate is through."  You have been working hard to find the balance and set your boundaries. Good job! I feel you have been in a state of reflection recently, and this week is calling for you to take what you have learned, discovered, or decided and to move forward with it. You are being offered the opportunity for a much needed change. Don't hold  yourself back. You are ready to move forward!