Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 8/14/21
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/15/21
This week the weekly readings come to you from my vacation in Maine!
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1 - Seashell, Mermaid Tarot
Page of Pentacles- Energy. Self-care. Health- The Page of Pentacles wants you to focus on your physical health this week. This Page indicates that it is time for some bodily self-care. How are you managing your wellness? Are you eating well, sleeping enough, and drinking water? Oh… and some exercise wouldn’t hurt either! Just saying… It’s time to start making your health a priority. Focus on the physical first. Maybe just implement one healthy habit to start. Take a daily walk or up your water intake. Pick one day where you eat really well. Notice how your energy begins to shift when you take care of yourself.
The Lovers- Choices. Maturity. Consequences- The Lovers indicates a need to start making mature and conscious choices. It’s time to get some clarity and step back and consider your options. What choices are currently available to you? To make the best one, it helps to operate from a more balanced place. You’ve got a decision on the table this week. Your tip is to make it from a calm and centered space, so do what you need to do to get there before making any rash choices. Take your time and don’t jump into anything without thinking it through first.
Page of Wands- Inspiration. Creativity. Enthusiasm- The Page of Wands brings you the fire of enthusiasm and creativity. It’s time for some fresh energy. What are you working on? What sparks your creative energy? That’s the thing that needs your attention at this time. Something or someone lights you up this week. Fresh energy is available to you, so let your creative juices flow…
Overall- It’s time to get your act together. I’m feeling like you’ve been seriously slacking on your self-care and your message is to pull it together. First things first, look at how you are taking care of your physical body (or not taking care of it as the case may be). Pick one or two healthy habits to work into your life this week and notice how your energy begins to shift in a positive way. There’s a decision you need to make. In order to make the best choice possible, consider: Where are you directing your energy? Who are you giving your attention to? Are you moving towards health and inspiration or away from it? Make sure you are putting your energy where it needs to go. If you take some time to ground yourself this week, you are going to feel more much clear and full of energy by the time the week ends.
Pile 2 - Selenite Wand, Mythic Tarot
Three of Cups- Connection. Support. Abundance- The Three of Cups brings love, connection, and support. There is beautiful energy around you, whether it’s romance, friendship, or family, the good vibes are flowing. Soak up the love and honor the beautiful connections in your life. The week is calling for you to take a moment to appreciate your loved ones. Maybe carve out some special time with your special people.
Six of Pentacles- Benevolence. Success. Money- Success is imminent at this time. You are being given exactly what you need to make exactly what you want happen. Abundance and generosity are headed your way. Expect a positive offer or the help that you have been looking for to show up. Say “Thank you” to the Universe when it does. Abundance and gratitude beget more abundance.
Four of Pentacles- Structure. Stability. Clinging- The Four of Pentacles is considered “the card of the miser” and it warns against clinging too tightly. This Four indicates that the structures and stability that you currently need are in place. Sometimes when things are going well, there is a fear that it will all be taken away or that someone or something will try to “steal” it from us. Take a breath and relax. This type of clinging or fearful hoarding will only stunt your growth. Loosen your grip and trust that you are where you need to be. Stop waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Overall- Your message for this week is to CHILL! You are in a beautiful place and you have the stability and support you need. Relax and enjoy it. Nobody is going to steal your happiness. The only way you can mess this up at this time is by clinging to fears that are not currently necessary. Don’t disrupt the good energy by worrying. Sometimes when things are going really well, our fears and doubts of losing what we have gained can take us out of our peace and happiness. Don’t do that. Just enjoy being where you are.
Pile 3 - Pentacle, Smith-Waite Tarot
Six of Pentacles- Success. Abundance. Manifestation- Success is within your grasp. You are being given an opportunity, and it’s one you deserve. This week brings the manifestation of all you have been working towards. Money, energy, and powerful support are all around you. Accept what is being offered and take a moment to feel proud of all you have accomplished. You’ve been working hard and your hard work is paying off.
Death- Transition. Release. Endings- Death brings the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Transition is your word for this week. There are big shifts and changes afoot, and although they are beautiful changes, change can still be challenging. When we take big steps forward, we are often gifted with the realization and awareness that certain things must be left behind. What in your life has served its purpose? Can you release it with grace?
Judgement- Karma. Re-birth. Reaping- Judgement brings a reaping… the rewards of past actions. What have you been working on? Where have you been dieting your energy? The fruits of that labor are coming full circle at this time. Think of it like a karmic pay-out. You are preparing to begin a new cycle. With transformation and change like this, there is inevitably a release of some kind that goes along with it. There is a big re-birth on the horizon for you. Don’t fight it.
Overall - This week is a bit heavy. You’ve achieved a level of success that is forcing you to make some big life changes. All things cycle in life…. Death and rebirth are the transitions that keep everything flowing. This week that is highlighted for you. Your hard work is paying off and it’s time for big changes and shifts in your life. Not everything and everyone is going to be coming alone for the ride, though, so it’s time to release relationships, attitudes, or anything that is no longer in alignment with your current path and process. Although this is necessary, growth at this level can be uncomfortable, so get some support where you need it.