Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 7/25/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/25/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!








Pile 1 - Seashell, Mermaid Tarot


The Lovers- Choices. Maturity. Consequences- The Lovers implies there’s a choice to be made this week. You’ve got options. The trick here is in finding the emotional clarity you need to make the best one for your current situation. If you are feeling pulled between things, it’s time to step back and look at the big picture. What is the best use and focus of your energy at this time? Consider the consequences before you act.

Two of Swords- Stagnation. Conflict. Denial- The Two of Swords brings tension and a stalemate. You need to make a choice and you’ve been avoiding the choosing. Part of the issue is that you are refusing to look at the big picture. It’s time to take off the blindfolds, take down your guard, and open your mind to seeing both sides of your situation. Once you do, take a deep breath and decide. You are the only one keeping yourself stuck.

Three of Cups- Connection. Love. Celebration- The Three of Cups brings connection, support, and celebration. You have beautiful energy around you, so soak in the good vibes and celebrate. Let your loved ones help you. You don’t have to do it all on your own. And, also…. there is a call for you to do something fun this week. Enjoy it!

Overall- You have a choice of some kind to make this week. You’re creating more issues than is necessary by stalling. You’re letting your energy get muddled and overwhelmed and it’s creating stress and tension that you don’t need. Get some clarity, look at all the sides of your situation, and consider your options. Once you choose, things open up for you in a beautiful way. You have a lot of support around you, so lean into it, and ask for help.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


Knight of Wands- Change. Excitement. Adventure- The Knight of Wands brings an exciting offer to you. This Knight rides in with vibrant, charismatic energy and lights you up, in some way. Expect the unexpected to arrive this week. The Knight of Wands brings you fresh energy and a new possibility. Go with it… Jump on the horse and take a risk. When in doubt, just say “YES!”

The Empress- Abundance. Fertility. Love- The Empress indicates fertility and abundance. The Empress wants you to embrace your sensuality and honor your power. It’s time to manifest exactly what you desire. You have everything you need at this time, so use all of that good energy. Are you working your magic? The Empress is telling you it’s time to create.

Ace of Pentacles- Raw energy. Money. Opportunity- The Ace of Pentacles brings money, energy and potential your way. What are you working on? What are you creating? You have all the tools necessary at this time, so utilize them. Notice the resources available to you this week. When opportunity knocks, open the door and invite it in for coffee.

Overall- This week looks beautiful. Something or someone shows up unexpectedly and inspires you to make a change… and it’s a good one. Don’t hesitate. This opportunity is worth exploring. You are being gifted the abundance and energy you need to move forward with your dreams. Manifestation is your word of the week. Get very clear on what you want and watch it fly toward you…


Pile 3 - Feather, Smith-Waite Tarot


Two of Wands- Vision. Creativity. Faith- The Two of Wands indicates energies aligning and coming together for you. This week brings the opportunity for you to step forward on your path. What does you vision look like at this time? What are you trying to create and manifest? This Two encourages you to get clear on your goals and start to make a plan to move toward them. The first step toward getting what you want is deciding what you want.

The Sun- Hope. Optimism. Joy- The Sun brings hope and optimism your way this week. The energy around you is high and powerful. Enjoy it and use it! Have fun and trust that everything is in perfect alignment for you right now. You have good luck and positive energy to work with. The Sun brings clarity to your situation, and you can now move forward with joy and enthusiasm.

Knight of Cups- Love. Desire. Proposal- The Knight of Cups brings you what you desire this week. This Knight rides in with love, promise, and a proposal of some kind. Whatever you’ve been wishing for is headed your way, so make sure you gracefully accept and acknowledge the gift when it appears.

Overall- Your desires are on their way to you this week. You have a lot of power and positive energy headed your way, so get clear on a plan for what you want this week and then hold your focus. Expect a brightening of your mood. Good luck, good vibes, and positivity are all around you. Just when you think things can’t flow any better, someone or something shows up with a proposal or offer that fills your cup.