Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 2/9/25

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 2/9/25

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Dragon, The Fairytale Tarot

Ace of Wands- New idea. Fresh Energy. Enthusiasm- The Ace of Wands brings an uprush of creative energy to you. This Ace indicates you're feeling inspired and full of a fresh idea. This is brand new potential that has not yet manifested, but it's perking you up and making you think of a new way of doing things.  What do you want to be putting your energy into at this time? You are being given an opportunity to completely rebirth and reboot an aspect your life.

Judgement-  Karma. Consequences. Rebirth- Judgement brings a reaping and a rebirth. The energy you have been putting out is now coming back to you. When Judgement appears, we  see the consequences of past actions. Where have you been directing your energy? What has it brought you? This week brings the opportunity to evaluate your current situation. You are at the end of a cycle and it's time to acknowledge what things need to continue and what things you have outgrown.

The Lovers-Choices. Potentials. Decisions- What do you desire? You have options and potentials surrounding you. t’s time to consider where you are choosing to put your energy, and is that choice getting you want you want? Do your current decisions bring you emotional fulfillment, joy, and love? It’s time to take stock of your current situation and make mature and conscious choices about how you want to build and create your life. 

Overall- You are all lit up and excited about a new idea or prospect, but make sure you have all of the information necessary before proceeding. This week a lesson comes full circle and offers you a rebirth of some kind. There is a "look before you leap" vibe happening here. Don't allow yourself to get swayed or pulled by your emotions. Make sure you're making good choices for what you desire long term.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Knight of Swords-  Disruption. Change. Conflict- The Knight of Swords brings a sudden shift to your current situation, and this is the type of quick change that is often accompanied by a bit of turbulence. This Knight tells me you’re going to have to take action this week. What do you need to get out of this sketchy situation?  It’s time to slice through it. After you figure out what you need, grab your sword, hop on your broom and fly toward it.  

Five of Wands- Conflict. Struggle. Compromise-  There is conflict afoot. The Five of Wands brings a struggle of some kind. Who are you fighting with and is this fight really worth it? Reality is challenging you, and you’re having a hard time bringing what you want into existence. Instead of beating your head against a wall, can you step down out of your fighting stance and look for a way to compromise in this situation? 

The Fool- Faith. Opportunity. Optimism-  The Fool brings fresh energy and a new opportunity. The Fool represents the beginning of a cycle. It's time to make a move and take a leap. The Fool has vision and the impulse to follow his vision, even if he doesn’t know how it will turn out. This week brings the opportunity for a fresh start. How can you optimistically take a step forward this week?

Overall- It's time for change. This week is pushing you forward. You've been struggling with the same situation for too long, and it's time to stop beating your head against a wall. The Universe is sending you a new opportunity, so stay open and look for it. Challenges help push us forward and grow. How can you use your current challenge to propel you forward in a direction that better serves you?

Pile 3- Feather, Everyday Witch Tarot

Four of Swords- Isolation. Introspection. Contemplation- The Four of Swords represents a time of isolation and introspection. This Four calls for a time-out, a retreat from the world. We all need quiet time to regroup, but I feel you've been hiding out a bit too long, and it's making you feel more isolated than you need to be. Are you carving out quiet time to regroup or are you just avoiding taking the next steps forward? I feel it's time to stand up, shake some dust, and consider your options.

Knight of Wands- Change. Excitement. Adventure- The Knight of Wands brings an exciting offer to you. This Knight rides in with vibrant, charismatic energy and lights you up, in some way. Expect the unexpected to arrive this week. The Knight of Wands brings you fresh energy and a new possibility. Go with it… Jump on the horse and take a risk. It's time to get back out there and have some fun.

Page of Cups- Birth. Love. Renewal- There is the potential for the birth of something new on the horizon for you this week. You just need to get out of your own way to recognize it. The Page of Cups brings loving energy to you. Be on the look out for new love/friendships or a renewal of love or a deepening of connections this week. This Page says it's time to open up...

Overall- You've been hiding out and recovering in some way, and this week the message is that it's time to come out and play. You are being told to do something fun to refresh your creative energy this week. It will bring the healing you desperately need. Go do something that makes you feel good. That's your homework for this week. Schedule in something that brings you joy and watch things magically shift around you...