Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/6/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/6/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Cosmic Tarot

Five of Swords- Limitations. Stress. Conflict-  You have hit your limit and it's time to accept that fact. You have been taking on too much and you may need to swallow some pride and admit it. This Five is a message that you need to take an honest look at your current situation. Where are you creating more stress than there needs to be because you are attempting to do too much? Stop looking at the problems and start looking for the solutions.  Hint: The solution may involve backing up a bit.

The Moon- Intuition. Rhythms. Subconscious- The Moon brings a connection to the subconscious, a call to check in with your intuition. The Moon can also bring confusion, fluctuation, and change. Things are shifting in your world and you are seeing the effects of it play out externally this week. Don’t rush to act or react. Simply take notice of how people, places, or events make you feel. Stay connected to your intuition and listen to your gut instincts. 

Prince of Pentacles- Determination. Focus. Perseverance- The Prince of Pentacles brings slow and steady energy to the table this week. You are being guided to find your focus and create a more sustainable pace for yourself. This Prince is determined and dedicated and he has great follow through. He is here to help you persevere.

Overall- This week is calling for you to slow down and find your focus. You are feeling stressed and depleted and like you've been on the struggle bus for some time. What can you release and let go of? This full moon is calling for you to release some things that are not serving you. Tune in to your intuition, notice the changes that are happening and then slow things way down. You need to ground your energy and find a more sustainable pace.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Wheel of Fortune- Kismet. Change. Luck-  Expect the unexpected when The Wheel of Fortune appears. The Wheel of Fortune brings a change in luck and one that is often karmic. Something is shifting for you this week and by the looks of it, that shift is a positive one, so stay open to the change and embrace any opportunities that present themselves. Pay attention this week because destiny is calling. Pick up the phone when it rings.

The Sun-  Hope. Optimism. Joy- The Sun brings hope, optimism, and joy to the table this week. Positive energy is flowing all around you, so soak it in and take advantage of it. Stay open to new opportunities and connections. The Sun brings renewal and clarity. Things seem to flow toward you effortlessly this week and you feel confident in the goals you are working on. Keep this positive energy and hold onto your enthusiasm. 

The Chariot- Movement. Will. Control- The Chariot arrives this week to remind you to gather your strength and utilize your will and focus to move forward. If there is an aspect of your life you’ve been looking to shift or improve, now is the time to make a move. You will have better luck if you have a strategy in place. The more focused and harnessed your energy and will are, the more successful you will be. 

Overall- Let's get going! This week brings you good luck and positive energy to work with, so make the most of it. Your luck seems to change (for the better) as an unexpected shift or opportunity arrives, and it brings a welcome change. Take up the reins with both hands and find your focus. Move courageously forward. You have the opportunity to make a big shift in a positive direction this week, so stay on course.

Pile 3- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

The Moon- Fluctuation. Intuition. Cycles- The Moon brings fluctuation and change. Things are shifting for you, and you’re feeling those shifts this week. Once cycle is ending and another is beginning and The Moon wants you to embrace the fluidity of it. How can you utilize your intuition at this time? Your answers are within, so slow down, tune in, and listen to your gut instincts. 

Seven of Cups- Choices. Options. Illusions-  The Seven of Cups is considered the card of “castles in the air” and it indicates a need for choice. It’s time to seek clarity and get some perspective on what is real and what is an illusion. You are getting yourself stuck by deliberating all of your choices, and it’s time to just pick one thing and get to work. You can’t manifest what you want if you don’t make a decision about what you want. 

King of Swords- Strategy. Focus. Organization- The King of Swords is the great strategist of the tarot, and he is here to help you cultivate your battle plan. It’s time to take a step back and look at the big picture. What structures or systems do you need to put into place at this time? This King is calm, cool, and collected and he’s bringing your those same vibes this week. You need to focus your energy and the King of Swords is here to help you do just that.

Overall- This week you need to get your head out of the clouds. You're in the process of making some shifts and changes, but you're getting yourself stuck looking at all the options, and it's making things feel murky and confusing. You can't do everything at once, so pick the most important things to focus on for right now. Then, create a strategic plan to move forward.