Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/20/22
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/20/22
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Broom, Everyday Witch Tarot
Seven of Wands- Competition. Challenge. Struggle- The Seven of Wands indicates struggle, either with other people or with your own competitive instincts. If you’ve been spending too much time comparing your achievements to those of others, you really need to stop and consider how much energy you’re wasting. Hint: It's too much. That energy would be better spent focusing on your own life/goals/projects. If this week your conflict is in your relationships, it may be time to battle it out, so to speak. Sometimes you’ve just got to have the fight to get to the resolution on the other side.
Wheel of Fortune- Cycles. Change. Kismet - Expect the unexpected when the Wheel of Fortune appears. You are being put on notice that a shift of some kind is headed your way. When the Wheel turns, it usually indicates a cycle has come to an end and The Universe has a plan for where you are headed next. I feel this shift is is karmic and you are being redirected by The Universe. My best advice here is to stay open to whatever comes your way, even if it isn't exactly in your plans.
Five of Cups- Disappointment. Sadness. Release- The Five of Cups indicates sadness, disappointment, and the need for a release of some kind. Think about what is no longer serving you and let it go. Yes, I know the release is painful and endings are challenging, but this heartache is not nearly as painful as the pain of blocking your own growth. Clinging will only add to your stress. Something isn't working and the message this week is to let it go and refocus your energy on what is truly serving you at this time.
Overall- This week brings some challenging energy your way. We are kicking off "the holiday season." Try not to pick any fights at Thanksgiving dinner, ok? While it seems there is definitely a struggle of some kind afoot, I believe you are being given the opportunity to change the way you handle this struggle. Can you open up to the possibilities presented? Can you let go of some old hurts or resentments? Don't get sucked into any unnecessary drama and let's be honest... most drama is unnecessary.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Death- Endings. Completion. Transformation- It's time to let the old ways go. You have outgrown them. The tide is turning for you this week, in the best way possible. You’ve been though a lot recently, and this Death card is telling you that you’ve made it to the other side. You can breathe a sigh of relief because you’ve reached the end of a cycle and the renewal and new beginnings are waiting for you. Let go of what needs releasing and focus on what is right in front of you.
Ace of Cups- Love. Potential. Joy- The Ace of Cups speaks of raw potential and emotional expansion. You are truly in a place of rebirth this week. Open up to it and look at the potential and possibility that is right in front of you. It’s been there for awhile now, but you’ve been clinging to old patterns and ways of being and in doing so, you’ve been blocking your abundance. The love, house, job, dream… whatever your heart truly desires is so close right now. Keep your eyes open, so you don’t miss it!
Page of Cups- Self-love. Renewal. Birth - The Page of Cups brings renewal to your spirit this week. You are birthing something new in your life. Whether it’s a new project, job, love, family… it’s something that brings you joy and fulfillment, but you have been expending a lot of your energy on it. You have beautiful potential surrounding you, but make sure your own cup stays full. Don’t give way all your energy. It’s time for some good old-fashioned self-care, self-love, and self-reflection. It’s much easier to create from a place of balance. This is a gentle reminder to recharge your batteries.
Overall- You are making a big shift and it's a good one. It's time to finally let go of something that you have long since outgrown. Whether it's a relationship, job, or attitude, it's time for a release. You have beautiful and abundant energy available to you at this time, and you are being pushed forward in a positive direction. Your message for this week is to make sure you keep your own cup full because you are birthing something new in your life and you need to have the energy to sustain it.
Pile 3- Keys, Lord of the Rings Tarot
Page of Cups- Bandobras Took- Gentleness. Renewal. Self-care. It’s time to turn your attention inward this week. You need to take care of you. Stop giving all of your energy away and take time to fill your cup. You’ve been putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own and it isn’t serving you. In fact, it’s part of why you feel stuck. Take some time to take care of yourself and watch how quickly your answers appear.
The Chariot- Samwise Gamgee- Will. Movement. Conflict- Who is driving your personal chariot? Are you in control or are you letting your emotions/ego/aggressive tendencies get the best of you? Your challenge this week involves taking control of the reins and consciously directing your energy. Stop letting yourself get pulled all over the place. You are in control of your choices. Although we can't control what happens to us, we can control how we respond. How are you responding at this time?
The Hermit- Bilbo Baggins- Isolation. Introspection. Spiritual awakening- The Hermit is a call to retreat. Some isolation and introspection is being called for. The Hermit indicates that you need a break, a time-out, some time to reflect and re-group your energy. If you are feeling edgy or out of sorts, it is imperative that you take some time for yourself this week. The Hermit brings spiritual truths and information to you, but you need to have some quiet time and space to process.
Overall- You need to hit the brakes hard this week. You have allowed yourself to get depleted and it is causing you conflict and making you edgy and a bit aggressive. If things feel out of control, it's time to take back the reins and redirect your energy. The advice for this week is that you need some quiet time to recover and recuperate, so where can you give that to yourself? You need a reset in a big way, so make sure you take it.