Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/5/25

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/5/25

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Feather, Soul Cats Tarot

The Hierophant- Philosophy. Spirituality. Guidance- The Hierophant indicates that this week is calling for you to find connection. The Hierophant bridges the link between our human physical reality and the energy of God, Source, Spirit. Take a look at your spiritual practice. How can you center and re-focus it?  If you don’t have a steady spiritual practice, the arrival of The Hierophant suggests you explore one that is calling to you. Keep an eye open for messages from The Universe, while you’re at it.

Three of Wands- Satisfaction. Achievement. Optimism- The Three of Wands indicates early success. Energies are coming together and it seems The Universe is supporting your plans. It is important to acknowledge the growth and process you have made, but there is still work to be done, so you need to stay strong and steady and not get complacent. Keep your focus this week and don’t let yourself get distracted. 

Queen of Swords- Boundaries. Strength. Idealism- The Queen of Swords brings idealism, strength, and some powerful boundaries to your aid this week. Sometimes when you really begin to shine and step into your power, you see the truth of who in your life supports you and who doesn’t. This Queen is here to help you draw some lines in the sand around anything or anyone not supporting your growth. 

Overall- This week is calling for you to check in with Spirit, The Universe, your intuition.. How are you connecting spiritually? There are important lessons for you this week. The Universe is guiding you (or trying to) by bringing you exactly what you need at this time to move forward, so stay open to receive the help that is offered. You are being put on notice that it is time to stand strong and raise the bar. Stick to your ideals and principles and slice through anything or anyone holding you back (metaphorically speaking)...

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Two of Pentacles- Flexibility. Balance. Fluctuation-  The Two of Pentacles brings a shifting in circumstances, often financial ones.  This Two indicates that while you are striving for balance, things may feel quite out of balance. Don’t get too hung up here. Change is our only constant. Do your best this week to work with the energy you have to work with and keep an open mind. You just might stumble upon an unexpected solution to your current problem. 

Five of Cups- Regret. Betrayal. Loss- Something needs to be released this week. This Five says that you are feeling down and out, but all is not lost. Don’t cling to anything that no longer serves you. If you are feeling depressed or depleted, consider ways to regroup your energy and revitalize your spirit. Focus on what you still have to work with instead of what isn't working.

Page of Swords-  Gossip. Challenge. Irritability - This Page of Swords is saying there are too many opinions coming at you right now, and none of them are actually helpful.  Gossip and negative speech are indicated here. The message from this Page is to shut out the negative chatter that is surrounding you or floating around in your mind. Do not let yourself get swayed by the opinions of others or your own negative self-talk.

Overall- Things have been in flux for some time and you'e been trying to figure out the best way to work with the energy around you. The challenge here is that it's time to release some negativity that is blocking your growth and holding you back and to stop worrying about other people's opinions while you're at it. Don't drink the hatorade. It's toxic...

Pile 3- Key, Queen Alice Tarot

Knight of Wands- Quick change. Inspiration. Fun- Expect the unexpected in the best way possible this week. Inspiration is coming for you! This might take the form a person who charges in and inspires you, or it could be a new idea that magically appears. The important thing to keep in mind is to stay open and pay attention. This Knight rides in hot and heavy and brings a good time along with him.

The Chariot-Movement. Will. Control. Movement- The Chariot arrives this week to remind you to gather your strength and utilize your will and focus to move forward. If there is an aspect of your life you’ve been looking to shift or progress, now is the time to make a move. You will have better luck if you have a strategy in place. The more focused and harnessed your energy and will are, the more successful you will be. 

The Empress- Abundance. Fertility. Cycles-  The Empress is telling you to get grounded and celebrate being in your body. It’s time to tap into your sensuality and confidence and move forward from that beautiful space. You are at a very powerful place this week, and you have the potential to get exactly what you want. You need to take some time to connect to yourself, in whatever way serves you best. Fertility surrounds you right now, so enjoy the abundance. 

Overall- LFG! What are you waiting for? It's time to make some big moves this week! There is the opportunity for growth and change and the message is to go for it, so get going. What lights you up? What do you want right now? Focus on it and then direct your energy toward it. You've got everything you need to make the magic happen this week.