Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 6/5/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 6/5/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Everyday Witch Tarot

Seven of Cups- Options. Illusions. Choices - The Seven of Cups is "the card of castles in the air" and it indicates choices and potentials. There are a multitude of options available to you, and while this is a beautiful thing, it can also be overwhelming. You can't do everything at once, so take some deep breaths and decide what needs your attention the most right now.

The World-  Completion. Cycles. Integration- The World  brings you full circle to the completion of a cycle. This week marks a time of achievement and integration. How can you process and implement the lessons you have learned recently? Are you pausing to celebrate how far you have come? The World wants you to take some time this week to acknowledge where you are. It might be helpful to write down a list of your achievements.

Four of Swords-  Isolation. Introspection. Withdrawal- The Four of Swords brings the need for a time-out. This Four wants you to take some time and space to process.  Take a break, take a nap, snug a cat and let your mind reset itself. Everything will work better if you do. The big lesson for this week is that you need some time and space to recover and regroup your energy.

Overall- It's time for a time-out. There are multiple potentials and pathways open to you, but you can't grab them all up at one time. This week your focus needs to be on recovery. Instead of pushing yourself toward what's next, take a moment (or a week) to appreciate where you are and how far you've come. Give yourself a mental break this week. Recovery and rest are an important part of living a balanced life.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Eight of Cups- Depression. Release. Letting go- The Eight of Cups brings a release of some kind. Something isn’t working and it’s time to walk away. Whether it’s a relationship, a job, a negative thought pattern, consider what you need to release to free up some energy this week. It’s ok to let go. Letting go makes space for new ideas and new opportunities. Trust that you can't lose anything that is meant for you and release anything that is holding you back.

Four of Wands- Support. Validation. Protection- The Four of Wands brings help, both from people in your life and the Universe. You have powerful support around you, so lean into it. Gather your team this week and let them know what you need and the best way they can help you. Also, work your magic and tell the Universe what you need help with.

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Strength in reserves- The Nine of Wands brings a final struggle. Just when you feel completely exhausted, something else pops up to test you. It's in these moments we have to dig down to find strength we never know we had, so dig deep this week. You have made it through tough weeks before and you'll make it through this one, too.

Overall- You're feeling depleted and let down and there is a release of some kind being called for. The trick to this week is to ask for help. You have support around you, and it's time to call that support in. Gather your troops and give them jobs. You've got a bit of a challenge on the horizon this week, but you don't have to face it alone. We all get by with a little help from our friends.

Pile 3- Pentacle, Fantastical Tarot

The Hanged Man- Sacrifice. Delays. Patience- The Hanged Man brings a hold up or delay of some kind. If you feel you have been hanging out in suspension, cultivate patience and have faith. All things shift in their own time. There is a reason and a season for everything, so look for the lessons in any delays this week. What is the message behind the waiting?

Justice- Contracts. Fairness. Balance- Justice speaks to the need for balance and fairness. How can you balance the scales this week? Can you bring calm and analytical energy to your current situation. Justice also represents agreements and contracts, so make sure you read things carefully before signing them this week. Don't agree to anything that isn't in your best interest.

Nine of Swords- Anxiety. Fear. Stress- The Nine of Swords is known as "the card of the nightmare" and it represents anxiety and fear of the future. This Nine more often indicates mental anguish than anything negative actually occurring. If your anxiety is spinning out of control, pause and breathe. It might be a good week to implement some meditation practices.

Overall- This week is a bit harsh. You've been hanging in suspension for some time and there is a sacrifice of some kind required. If things seem to be stalled, what can you do energetically to get them moving again? This week brings you an opportunity to approach from a calmer and more balanced place. Don't let your anxiety get the best of you. It's time to take a clear look at your fears. Are your projections holding you back and if so, how can you release them?