Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 4/24/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/24/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Faerie Tarot

Four of Cups- Dissatisfaction. Jealousy. Boredom- You are feeling disillusioned and dissatisfied in a relationship or aspect of your life. You’re frustrated and upset and feeling like your needs aren’t being met or maybe you’re spending too much time comparing yourself and your success to others. This type of attitude won’t get you anywhere, so it may be time to turn it around and shift gears. Consider where you can take responsibility for your unmet expectations. Are you being clear with yourself, others, and The Universe about what you want? Are you setting healthy boundaries? How can you clean some of this up?

Four of Wands- Support. Rewards. Celebration - The Four of Wands indicates that you have powerful support around you, so soak it up. It’s time to recharge this week, so get whatever it is you need to feel better. What helps you to recharge? Who or what do you need to feel supported? This faerie wants you to gather your energy. There are things to celebrate, but you need to set the time and space to do so. Ask for what you need…

The Star - Hope. Wishes. Faith- The Star indicates beautiful potential and brings you hope and positive energy. What are you wishing for? You just might get it. The Star is here to remind you to have faith. Focus on your dreams and desires and stay open to receiving them. Where do you find inspiration? The Star reminds you to have faith…faith in yourself and your dreams. Focus on your vision for your life. What do you want it to look like?

Overall- All you need is an attitude adjustment. You’re feeling tired and depleted and you need some time and space to recoup and gather up your energy. Sometimes all we need to recharge is a little breathing room, and that’s what the fae are telling me this week. It’s OK to take a break and step back, so carve out some quiet time and think about what you need to readjust your energy and attitude. If you do, you get a special gift and some positive energy from The Universe.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Mythic Tarot

Judgement- Karma. Reaping. Re-birth—.Judgement arrives this week to tell you that divine timing is at hand and at work for you right now. Expect the rewards of hard work you have put in to show up in ways both expected and unexpected this week. You have made it to the end of a cycle and it is time to refresh, recharge, and prepare to begin anew. With the appearance of Judgement, it’s time to consider what cycles have reached their natural endings. Where can you relinquish and re-birth?

The Sun- Hope. Optimism. Joy- The Sun brings positive energy and optimism to you this week. Expect to gain clarity in your current situation. The Sun shines light on things and helps you to get clear on what you need and the next best steps to take. The Sun wants you to approach this week with a positive attitude. Focus your attention on what brings you joy and hold onto that this week. If it’s not lighting up your life, it may need to go.

The Moon- Cycles. Intuition. Fluctuation- The Moon indicates a shifting of circumstances. When The Moon appears, it is a call to stop and tap into your intuition. What are your instincts telling you? Are you listening? All things shift and change. Just as the Moon cycles, our lives continually cycle as well. What cycle are you in right now, and what is your intuition telling you about it?

Overall- There is a big shift or change on the horizon for you. This week brings a reaping, and you begin to notice the results of past actions. Something karmic comes full circle. Stay open to the messages and lessons that may appear. Circumstances are shifting and changing and the message is to try to approach these shifts with a positive attitude. Listen to your intuition and instincts and don’t fight the changes that are occurring. All things cycle and shift…. Go with the flow of it.

Pile 3- Feather, Mermaid Tarot

Knight of Swords- Change. Disruption. Turbulence- The Knight of Swords brings sudden and unexpected change, so expect the unexpected. The boat may get rocked this week. When this Knight appears, there is quick movement or unexpected shifts, and this can create some type of turbulence or disruption. All change is easier when we move with it. How can you embrace the change this week?

Five of Cups- Loss. Disappointment. Sadness- The Five of Cups brings disappointment and the feeling of loss. There is a release of some kind necessary this week. Don’t fight the feelings that come up with it. Allow yourself the time and space to process out whatever is going on. Get support if you need it, and then let go of what isn't working. Clinging to what you’ve outgrown will only hold you back.

Queen of Pentacles- Stability. Power. Fertility- The Queen of Pentacles wants you to step into your power this week. It’s time to get grounded in your body and reclaim your energy. This Queen is here to help you focus and manifest. The Queen of Pentacles brings fertility and abundance. She stands strong in her body, and so she is able to manifest quickly on the physical plane. It’s time to start taking care of your body this week and do what you need to do to get grounded in it.

Overall- Buckle in… it’s going to be a bumpy ride. There is some turbulence or disruptive energy in store this week and it brings up feelings of loss or sadness. Acknowledge your feelings and get the support you need, but don’t wallow. Let go of what is no longer serving your highest self. Then, find ways to ground your energy and step into your power. It’s time to refocus your energy.