Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/31/22
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/31/22
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Pentacle, Everyday Witch Tarot
Four of Pentacles- Structure. Stability. Stagnation- The Four of Swords indicates structure and stability. You have everything you need and you've worked hard for it. This Four is considered "the card of the miser," and it warns against clinging or gripping too tightly. Sometimes when we've worked really hard to get to a strong and steady place, there is an undercurrent fear of loss. Stop waiting for the other shoe to drop. Put on your favorite shoes and go enjoy your life instead.
The Empress- Fertility. Power. Abundance- The Empress wants you to step up and into your power. The Empress brings fertility and abundance your way. It's time to fully embrace all of your magic. The Empress stands so steady and strong in her power that life simply blooms around her. It's time to call the things you desire to you. Simply "BE" in all of your beauty and glory and the rest will fall into place.
Nine of Cups- Love. Desire. Wishes- The Nine of Cups is known as "the wish card" in the tarot. This Nine brings love, joy, and your desires right to you. What have you been wishing for? Make a list of your wishes and offer them up to The Universe. Trust that you will get exactly what you need. Get your brain in the love game this week. There is magic waiting for you...
Overall- It's time to SHINE!!! Stop holding yourself back out of fear of being seen or fear of loss or out of any other nonsensical fear that is floating around in your brain. You have everything you need and you've worked hard to get to this place. It's time to adjust your crown and own your power. Everything you desire is within your grasp. All you need to do is claim it! Focus on what you desire and watch your wishes be granted. This week is beautiful! Enjoy it!
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Two of Cups- Love. Partnership. Connection - The Two of Cups wants you to focus on love and partnership this week. How are you connecting? Do you feel your partnerships are supportive? Focus on enhancing your connections and communication with your loved ones this week. Maybe schedule a night out with your partner or a close friend.
Ten of Pentacles- Stability. Success. Contentment- The Ten of Pentacles indicates a time of success and contentment. Look around at all you have achieved and take a moment to count your wins and your blessings. The energy surrounding you is positive and stable and you’ve done a lot of hard work to get to this place, so take a moment to appreciate where you are. You’ve come a long way. You should feel proud of all you have created.
The Moon- Intuition. Cycles. Change- The Moon indicates a shift of some kind. The Moon brings the message of tapping into your intuition and honoring the cycles and seasons in your life. Are you listening to your instincts? This week you are being called to make sure you are noticing the subtle shifts and flows that are occurring in and around you. Don't fight the process.
Overall- This week brings you the opportunity to deepen connections. There is love and support available to you, so lean into it when you need it. Focus on your achievements and take a moment to notice how far you've come. You are building beautiful things at this stage of your life. The message for you this week is to take the time to tune in to your intuition and notice the cycles and shifts that are occurring. How can you go with the flow this week?
Pile 3- Keys, Queen Alice Tarot
Nine of Swords - Stress. Anxiety. Fear- The Nine of Swords is known as "the card of the nightmare" and represents stress, anxiety, and worries about the future. This Nine brings us face to face with our fears. Have you been feeling worried or anxious? Anxiety can quickly spiral out of control. What can you do to ground yourself? Sometimes it can be helpful to write down all of your worries and fears and then rip up or shred the paper.
Queen of Pentacles - Stability. Manifestation. Sensuality- The Queen of Pentacles brings stability, power, and abundance to you. This Queen wants you to get grounded. It's time to focus on your body. The Queen of Pentacles manifests quickly because she is present and embodied. She is here to help you embrace your sensuality and your power this week. Treat yourself with loving care and watch how your energy builds right back up.
Three of Pentacles- Validation. Collaboration. Support- The Three of Pentacles brings validation and success your way. This Three indicates that collaborative efforts will pay off. Who is supporting you at this time? How can you work with others to move your goals forward? Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Energies are aligning to help you, so use them.
Overall- Get out of your head and into your body. You have been letting your fears and anxieties get the best of you, and it's only holding you up and blocking your flow. Anxiety and stress don't help us to move forward, so tell them to take a back seat this week. Your message is to get grounded in your body and to start focusing your energy on attracting what you want to you. Then, stay open to opportunity and positive collaborations. You're in a much better place than you realize. Drop the negative thoughts and focus on the positive opportunities available. Watch the energy change, just like magic!