As we prepare to roll into 2025, here’s my yearly pep talk on why I think you should drop kick the New Year’s Resolutions…

Why New Year’s Resolutions don’t stick…

January 1st rolls in and suddenly everyone is ready to jump start a new life. We resolve to eat better, work-out more, find a word of the year, etc. It feels like fresh energy and motivation is flying ALL around… for about a month. Ever wonder why so many of us fall off of our well intentioned “resolutions” by February?

Well, here’s my witchy take on it…

It’s the WRONG time to be setting resolutions and getting all revved up. Mama Nature doesn’t support it. From a pagan perspective, Samhain (Oct. 31st), which is the Witch’s New Year, until Imbolc (Feb. 1st), is thought of as the dark time of the year. These months are about slowing down and doing the inner work, a time for rest and recuperation so that when spring comes, we are rejuvenated and ready to begin again.

However, in our society, we don’t do this. We spend November and December in a flurry of hustle and bustle of “the holiday season.” Instead of slowing down and embracing the darkness, we amp ourselves up with socializing and shopping and just being busy. The calendar turns to January 1st and we decide to give ourselves and our lives a make-over, which, if we are being honest, we probably don’t have the energy for. Then, we beat ourselves up when we slip or fall off our well intentioned “resolutions.”

We aren’t even halfway through winter yet. Yule was only a week and a half ago...It’s cold and everything is dead or hibernating outside, so why would this be the time of year to make massive shifts and changes?

If we are living our lives in tune with the natural rhythms of the earth, now is just not the time.

Our next pagan holiday is Imbolc (Feb. 1/2). Imbolc marks the end of what is known as the dark time of the year, and we honor the return of the light and the Goddess Brigid, but we’re not there yet. Imbolc is still a whole month away.

My offering to you is to take the next month and reset. Allow yourself the time you need to rest and recoup, and really listen to what your mind, body, and spirit are calling you to do. How can you recharge your system, so as the days grow longer and we move toward spring, you have the energy you need to make this year amazing? How would it feel to make your “resolution" was to take January to slow down, rest, reflect, and recharge?

🧹 What do you need to release from 2024? Let’s not carry old habits forward. Write it down and rip it up. Let it go…

✍🏾 ✨Reflect- What have you learned in 2024? Take some time to write down how you feel the overall energy of this past calendar year flowed. If you had to pick a tarot card that embodied the energy of your year, what would it be? Hit reply and tell me which card and why….

🔮 Set a Tarot intention for 2025- Choose a card from the Major Arcana that you would like to embody the energy of this year OR separate out your Major Arcana from your Minor Arcana and ask the tarot which card is your focus for the year.

❤️ Snuggle IN and do something kind for yourself-
How can you nurture yourself this week?